Multiple Flash Exposure Article

  1. The aperture setting is the most important tool because it controls how the flash exposure is recorded. It also dictates what controls the power output to set on your flash.
  2. You will want to be in the manual mode so you can adjust it to get the right exposure.
  3. Lighting is necessary to create different settings. There are many different choices as far as placement of the lights.
  4. The position of your subject is essential to capturing the image that you want. You have to explain to them what to do and when so that the image comes out correct.
  5.  You need time and patience when trying this task because you’re not able to evaluate the picture while you take it.
  6.  You will need a tri-pod so that you can keep the camera steady while you’re taking the picture.
  7. You can use a light meter or manually calculate the exposure so that is matches your chosen aperture.
  8. You will need to come up with different movements for your model to do before hand to make it easier to capture.
  9. Before you shoot, you will need to determine your light placement so you won’t have to go back and forth between the light source and the camera.
  10. Obviously you will need a camera that will allow you to manually adjust the aperture so you can attempt this type of image.